You NEED to ask questions in school!

I am not to sure why students don’t like asking questions to teachers in school. Maybe they think others think they are losers? Maybe too embarrassed to ask questions? Don’t think they can understand the material?

Now I said people don’t like asking questions to teachers. I had everyone in school asking me questions! haha There is nothing wrong with asking peers questions, but you need to make sure they understand what is going on or else you will get more confused.

The main reason why you would ask your teachers questions is because they are they one creating the homework, tests, projects, and understand the material they are teacher! This fact alone should want you to ask your teachers as many questions as possible.

Teachers usually have some office hours where you can be one on one with your teachers. This could be what you need since there are no other distractions going on and the teacher is solely focus on you. The teacher can also explain the material differently and more in depth since they don’t have to get through x material in the time for class.

I always went to see teachers before school when I had some questions or problems with the homework or test coming up. You need to keep in mind that they are the experts in what they are teaching and you have free access to ask them whatever.

Why would you not get the help or answers from the one person who is grading you and in control of the whole class material?

I still apply this same thinking when I go to see a doctor. I am in sick or injured in some way, and I want to know as much as possible to prevent the same thing from happening in the future. By the end of the appointment, I AM the doctor because of how many questions I ask! haha

You need to start asking questions in school right when you get stuck and are having difficulty with the material. Why waste hours of trying to figure something out you have no clue on what to do? Or just do nothing and learning nothing and fail (the worst option)?

What are some reasons why you haven’t asked questions to teachers in the past?